Thursday, July 19, 2018

Holy Shite... Let It Come Down!

The Motherfucker has been lying all along...  

NY Times - WASHINGTON — "Two weeks before his inauguration, Donald J. Trump was shown highly classified intelligence indicating that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had personally ordered complex cyberattacks to sway the 2016 American election.
The evidence included texts and emails from Russian military officers and information gleaned from a top-secret source close to Mr. Putin, who had described to the C.I.A. how the Kremlin decided to execute its campaign of hacking and disinformation.
Mr. Trump sounded grudgingly convinced, according to several people who attended the intelligence briefing. But ever since, Mr. Trump has tried to cloud the very clear findings that he received on Jan. 6, 2017, which his own intelligence leaders have unanimously endorsed."
No Shit Sherlock...

"In the run-up to this week’s ducking and weaving, Mr. Trump has done all he can to suggest other possible explanations for the hacks into the American political system. His fear, according to one of his closest aides who spoke on the condition of anonymity, is that any admission of even an unsuccessful Russian attempt to influence the 2016 vote raises questions about the legitimacy of his presidency."

U.S. Intelligence has always had the goods, they have known all along that Putin ordered the "hack of our election..."

Our President has known all along too. He has been scrambling his words. Using word-salad to try to confuse us all. He is lying. Plain & simple. He is colluding, collaborating, & conspiring with a hostile foreign power...  Holy Shite. Let it come down! Dare I say, this is "treasonous-type behavior." Countries don't take kindly to traitors!