Monday, July 16, 2018

Idiocy x Mendacity x Desperateness + Kompromat = Submission in Helsinki

I have this uncanny feeling that something is seriously, seriously wrong...

Little Baby Man is doubling down on his idiocy. He is praising the little tin-pot, murderous dictating strongman Putin and knocking good old USA in preparation for his dastardly stupid meeting in Helsinki. Yikes!

I mean, I am no math major but there's probably an equation that encapsulates his complete useful idiot quotient: Idiocy x Mendacity x Desperateness + Kompromat = Submission in Helsinki 

OR -  (I x M x C + K = Bad Idea!).

I still think this meeting is madness (see previous post). I am kind of stunned that someone, anyone, on the US side is not doing something/anything to make sure that Little Baby Man is not alone in a room with Putin.

I also wonder, isn't every Intelligence Service on the planet trying to eavesdrop, surveil, bug this meeting? Wouldn't you want to be a fly on the wall? You have to think some enterprising Spooks are going to somehow, some way, listen in.

This is not normal, not cool, not right. The Con Man is going to meet his Black-Mailer... alone... the mind reels, the world shudders... WTF...