Sunday, July 15, 2018

A Really, Really Bad Idea!

Are they really going to let our Little Baby Man President meet with Vladimir Putin? Really? WHY? What possible reason would these two men have to want to meet all alone? The incompetant Con-Man, meets with the ex-KGB operative alone in Helsinki with only translators present? That sounds like a really, really, bad idea. Like fucking insane.  No logical reason. Something smells really fishy.  It seems pretty obvious Putin already has compromising info on Little Baby Man, a private meeting seems like another step in a sophisticated black-mail operation. It dawned on me yesterday that Putin really is calling all the shots, and Little Baby Man is so afraid of being exposed that he is willing to submit under any and all conditions set by Putin.

There is no way anyone should want a one on one meeting with that puffed-up, killer, autocrat.
The only reason Little Baby Man makes the meeting? He has no alternative. The black-mailer is in the driver's seat, Little Baby Man is in so deep, there is no turning back, no escape. He must meet with his "handler" whether he wants to or not. Expect things to take some weird and terrible turn. What will a man do when all he holds dear is in grave peril? I almost feel sorry for Little Baby Man. Oh yeah, I feel bad for us too, I mean, you know, I feel bad for the rest of the world.