Saturday, July 07, 2018

"This is the only musical: the mouth." - Little Baby Man

I was going to let this pass without comment, but, I just can't. Our Noxious, Toxic Sad & Sick Circus-Clown Prez (see previous post), often goes out into the hinterlands to speak to the rabid, raging hordes. They love that Sick Clown with all their hearts. They love to hear the words of hate and stupidity shooting out of his big fat, drooling mouth.

Does he employ speech-writers? We just don't know. If he does, they must a bunch of meth-drenched, LSD-dosed monkeys on rickety, old typewriters.  Fucking Gibberish.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste. We are watching a mind totally disintegrating on the national stage. Is it sad? No. Except this gibbering, idiot-madman gets to make decisions for all of us. This is an actual transcription from his speech in Montana on July 5... read it and... wonder... what the fuck?!