Friday, July 06, 2018

Conscious vs. Brain-Dead!

Sorry. Yes. I know it's ugly. Hideous. I just can't resist. A certain perfection.

The NY Daily News is one of Little Baby Man's hometown newspapers. They know this Toxic, Noxious, Sicko, Twisted, Evil, Zombie-fied, Circus-Clown as well as anyone. This is no longer about Politics. Or I mean, of course it is, but this particular Human Being is beyond the pale, an insult to any and all sentient beings. Forget Democrat vs. Republican, Liberal vs. Conservative, Think Conscious vs. Brain-Dead.

Little Baby Man is an insult to our intelligence; anyone who can read, or write, put two words together, construct a sentence, feed themselves, avoid peeing their pants. Anyone with feelings, empathy, any sense of shame or decency. Any moral compass. Any competence. Any (fill in the blank here)...

This man is a threat the our sanity. A threat to the US. A threat to the World. It is impressive just how all the most toxic, damaging qualities could gather in the fat carcass of one blathering, blithering, blowhard of a Human.

I recently finished reading George Orwell's "Down and Out in Paris & London," there is a chapter on "curse words" - a profane or obscene word, Orwell thought that curse words were kind of an incantation, a branch of magic. George Carlin had a bit on the "seven dirty words."  I'd like to find a way to combine the best curse words in one grand incantation. To conjure a spell of obscenity. A profane spell to help bring this abomination of a being to an appointment with his Karma.  But, to be polite, I think I will do it silently in my head. Maybe the worst fate we could imagine: Little Baby Man actually has to be Little Baby Man. The horror. The horror.