Sunday, July 08, 2018

"A Cesspool of Deviancy" - The Ohio State Wrestling Program!

Ex-members of the  Ohio State Wrestling Team reveal to Politico damning testimony about the brewing "sexual abuse scandal" at the University, which may engulf the mouth-breathing, knucklehead, Jim Jordan, GOP Rep from Ohio.

Yikes. What is wrong with Human Beings? Everywhere you turn people reveal themselves to be such shits. Makes you question the whole Human Experiment.

"A half-dozen ex-wrestlers told POLITICO they were regularly harassed in their training facility by sexually aggressive men who attended the university or worked there. The voyeurs would masturbate while watching the wrestlers shower or sit in the sauna, or engage in sexual acts in the areas where the athletes trained, the former wrestlers said."

Sounds like Jordan was just another one of those people who turned a blind eye to the debauch. Of course, he's a member of the party that has a prime sexual abuser at the top of the org. chart.

“I never knew about any type of abuse,” Jordan said in an interview this week. “If I did, I would have done something about it.”

"Though none of the wrestlers and coaches interviewed blamed Jordan for the inappropriate behavior they experienced in Larkins Hall, they said he would have had to know about it. One former wrestler told POLITICO he saw Jordan yell at male voyeurs to get out of the sauna, though Jordan’s office refuted this account. Even three wrestlers who defended Jordan said it would have been impossible for him not to notice the pervasive toxic atmosphere surrounding the team."

A former Wrestling Coach, quoted anonymously: “It was a cesspool of deviancy. And that’s a whole ’nother story that no one has addressed.” 

Who could of guessed that a "sport" where young boys and men roll around on a rubber mat groping and tossing each other around could attract a cesspool of deviancy?

Just another story of complete corruption. Folks looking the other way to protect the Powers that Be. To protect the University. To protect the program. You can't make this stuff up. Human Beings never fail to disappoint. You hope folks would "do the right thing." Act with dignity, grace, compassion, empathy. Often they only seem to do whatever they can get away with. The horror...