Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Big Man Syndrome - A Complicated Mess.

Let's call it "Big Man Syndrome." The Male Ego is a ridiculous dirigible. Easily inflated beyond all belief and rationality. Somewhere inside is a weak and needy little boy. Somewhere inside that prominent, lauded, successful & accomplished Big Man is an ominously dark thread.  We all know what happens to big, gaseous, over-inflated dirigibles. 

The Big Man can be found in every occupation. He comes in all flavors. He can be a Democrat or Republican, Liberal, Conservative. Doesn't matter. A Priest, a Prophet, a Politician, an Artist, a Coach, an ambitious State's Attorney. Admired. Showered with attention, rewards, riches. 

There is something seriously wrong of course. The champion of the abused, is an abuser. Shocking. Ugly. Not acceptable. This is the Human Thing, right? A complicated mess. We are all such contradictions. Capable of so much good & evil. Heaven & Hell. Angel/Devil. Within the Angel a dark streak. Within the Devil crystalline light.