Monday, May 07, 2018

The Story is Gonna Get Uglier...

Yes. I have a feeling the story of our current Little Baby Man President is actually gonna get uglier. Hard to believe right? So far, many of us have been disgusted and appalled, but there has also been quite a bit of laughter and amusement. He is such a clueless buffoon, it sort of insulates him. Okay, maybe he sold out the country to Putin, ok maybe he's a racist, ok maybe he's a sleaze-ball who has  had sex with lots of women, and he has paid off and intimidated them into silence over many years. Ok, maybe the man is self-absorbed, has a very dysfunctional relationship with the truth, lies constantly about things that are easily checked. I mean his isn't only a liar, he is a classic Bullshitter: "an act undertaken without any relationship to truth whatsoever." Ok. But running a "black-ops" operation against folks in the previous administration? Running a major money-laundering operation and swimming in cash over many years? Running his business like a Mob Operation? Ugly. Very, very ugly.