Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Coming Months of Astonishment!

I am not trying to persuade anyone. Go to reliable, sensible news sources. Avoid the spinmeisters, avoid the blathering, blubbering heads on the crazy right. Tune out the noise. Look to real reporting. Follow the facts. Seek out the threads of the story that are unfolding before our astonished eyes.

A simple thru-line: Our current President is a Russian Stooge. Putin helped him "win," in 2016. Putin is blackmailing him. The plot and the details are slowly, methodically coming out. Little Baby Man is unraveling, he and his team of lackeys are standing on a castle of sand. The Mueller Investigation is like the great, white, shark of justice - it is relentless, it is building momentum, and lots of people are in big, legal trouble.

It will all be revealed. The truth will come out, it's happening now. It's a crazy, improbable story, one of the greatest espionage sagas ever. The next few months will be months of astonishment. Mark my words. Seek out the facts for yourself. It is  essential that we all do our best to see with a renewed clarity.