Saturday, February 17, 2018

Ode to the Coffee Gods!

I find myself in a foreign place, on a foreign couch. Yes, it's comfy. So gloomy this morning. First thought when I awake, "Why get up?" I fire up the coffee-maker, yes, I brought my machine with me, that's the kind of adventurer I am. I try to go nowhere without my faithful coffee-maker.

There was a moment of doubt while the machine did it's work. "What if it doesn't do the trick?" You know, what if the coffee doesn't work? What if the gloom doesn't lift? What if I can no longer conjure up a good reason to face the day with false courage and a well-fortified smile?

Never fear. Never doubt. A couple cups of coffee and the courage, the fire, the can-do attitude descends upon me. Yes, this is another ode to the Coffee Gods. Yes, this is a little prayer of thanks to the potent bean from a confirmed coffee addict.

There is a rush of energy and good feeling. I can face the day. I can face the music. Bring it on. I'm ready...