Friday, February 16, 2018

NRA Money + Guns + GOP Inaction = Blood in the Streets

I don't want to think or write about mass shootings at schools. It's a horrifying subject. A failure of our society and our politics. Why? Why do these things happen? Many reasons. All interconnected. So much trouble in the world.

But for sure there is a one simple equation at the heart of all this horror. NRA Money + Guns + GOP Inaction = BLOOD IN THE STREETS. Simple. Maybe sounds simplistic? I don't think so.

The Blood Caucus (see previous post), are the first to offer up their "sympathy and prayers," and are the first to tell us, "Tsk, tsk, oh my, Nothing to be done." Of course that is a bald-faced lie, there are many things that can be done. What is missing is political will. Where did it go? The NRA bought and paid for it. They own this issue. They own the GOP. It is blood money. It is despicable. Irrational. Horrifying. Also, of course, the GOP is terrified of the Fanatical Gun Crazies. They vote. Every time.

The rest of us, the Sensible Majority, need to speak up, need to act, need to vote these assholes out. They are a threat to our society. A threat to "Homeland Security," and a threat to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We need a new consciousness on this issue. The Blood Caucus must go!