Monday, February 19, 2018

Changable like the Weather!

I am as changeable as the weather. Aren't you? 

Yesterday, bright sunshine, shimmering light bathing everything. Blue sky. Snow melting. Optimism in every step.

Today. Gloomy. Gray. No sun. Muted light. Doubt in the air.

We are the weather. Locked in a fatal embrace. As above, so below. Outside and inside, reflecting. Watching "The Leader of the Free World" (see previous post), melting down in real time. One twisted tweet at a time. Scary.

I am confident this will all come to an end soon. But have no idea how it all shakes out. Could be lots of thunder and lightening. Hurly-Burly. Toil and trouble. Little Baby Man may not go down easy. Expect tantrums, crazy rants, lots of huffing and puffing. He is the kind of Human who has no problem bringing it all down with him. Setting himself on fire, and trying to torch everyone else too. How much damage can he do? 

The mind reels.