Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Forever is Such a Long Time!

Yes. Death. It's the subtext to everything we do and think, right? As Carlos Castaneda's Don Juan once said (I'm paraphrasing): Death is always riding with us on our left shoulder. 

Do we live as if every breath we take could be our last? Sounds exhausting! Or do we live as if we will live forever? Forever is such a long time! 

Day to day. Do we count the days, or just live without the counting? 

One morning I blurted out (blame it on too much coffee): "The Dead are always with us. We carry them with us in our DNA, in our spirits, always." Is that true? Don't rightly know. If it is, it's a heavy thing. Right?! No wonder waking and matriculating during the day can seem like a job.

Death. Our friend. Our constant companion. Our Nemesis. Our adversary. Our confidant. Our Hero? Our Ultimate Villain? Does Death, and the Spector of Death give our lives meaning, shape, gravity? I don't rightly know.