Wednesday, January 24, 2018

All those invisible connecting strings that tie us to all the phenomena that makes up the Universe.

Why Death (see previous post)? Might as well ask that famous Chico Marx question: "Why a Duck?" Nature has it's own planned obsolescence - "an artificially limited useful life." You know, you're supposed to be fruitful and multiply and then get on and get off. We all kind of wrestle with that idea. Maybe there's a bit more to life than the needing, wanting, grasping. What if we don't play the game?

I think of Bartleby, the Scrivener, A Story of Wall Street and his enigmatic "I would prefer not to." What if we don't jump when asked to? What if we don't indulge all our whims? What if we refuse to be persuaded by all the idiocies of the modern world?

I like to think we are more than our bodies. More than our biological necessities. More than our urges and chemical processes. I think we are spiritual beings, part of a much larger journey. A mystical path. Instead of being dazzled by materialism, the hard things of the world, the really important things are invisible: love, energy, spirit. All those invisible connecting strings that tie us to all the phenomena that makes up the Universe.

I suppose we could just accept that we are frail beings with a limited life-time on the planet, (there is truth to that idea), but it's not the only truth, I refuse to believe it's the only truth, if you demand that we are all only "Living in the Material World," (hat-tip to George Harrison), just like Bartleby, I would respond: "I would prefer not to."