Monday, January 22, 2018

"The Classic Rat Inside the Walls of Government"

Rick Wilson, "Never Trumper," GOP Media Guy, Coiner of the title: "Everything Trump Touches Dies," definitely has a way with words. He has the gift, a little bit of that Hunter S. Thompson MOJO...

Here is Wilson on the Government Shutdown, and that little Rat Bastard Stephen Miller... 

"Miller is the classic rat inside the walls of government, a sneaky little crapweasel who plays the D.C. game to its hilt, pursuing his agendas instead of those that would be good for either his principal or for the country. I can only imagine what Miller was like when he was at Duke with pudgy race-baiter and Nazi fanboy Richard Spencer. Can’t you see them in some dorm room bull session, smoking weed and working through their plans to depopulate the Rodina of anyone darker than a latte? That, and Spencer trying to find a girl to throw Miller some mercy sex so he could get the dead-eyed creeper out of his dorm room." - Rick Wilson

Hah! That's good!