Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Impeach the Freaking Dick!

Yes. It's time. How many months? Seems like a freaking eternity. Time for the Dick (see two previous posts) to go. I know we can't demand Congress to just Impeach the Dick, because he is a Dick, that's probably too crude, too simple, too reasonable. No. We need a list of charges, or as they say, we need a list of "Articles of Impeachment."

Let's turn to Lawfare, and Benjamin Wittes. He is learned. He is sober. He is intelligent. He knows his shit! What say you Mr. Wittes? "It's Time: Congress Needs to Open a Formal Impeachment Inquiry!" And what are the articles?

1. His abuses of power, most obviously exemplified by his conduct with respect to the investigations into his campaign’s collusion with Russia.
2. His failures of moral leadership.
3. His abandonment of the basic duties of his office.

Also, of course, and maybe most damning of all, he is a Total Dick! Impeach the Freaking Dick!