Monday, August 28, 2017

The Dick Era (Part 2)!

Yes, I for one, really love this framing of our time. The Dick Era (see previous post), it explains everything. It's like a weight was lifted off my shoulders as soon as I articulated it. Maybe it's just the "knowing" what's coming that is totally liberating?

I no longer need to wonder "what's going on?!" The answer: The worst. The worst actions, for the worst reasons. So what can we expect? Every day? Every week? Every Tweet?! The worst!

So, for instance, I am now confident we can expect:

The Dick tries his best to derail the Russia Investigation. He fires Mueller. He preemptively pardons everyone implicated. He pardons himself. He destroys the rule of law, the Constitution, and dares Congress to do anything about it.

The Dick tries to divert us by ginning up a War, and he will gin up the War of Wars, since he is such as Dick, nuclear war actually has a certain appeal to him. Historically Dickish! 

Will it rile up the population? Yes. So, well, he thinks, "Bring it on!" The Dick will continue to stir up Racial Tensions, insulting everyone who happens to disagree with him. The Dick will continue to embrace the KKK, American Nazis, White Supremacists because they are all little Dicks too.

The Dick will attack good Americans of all stripes. Anyone who doesn't bow down to his absolute Dickishness. The Dick will provoke a Constitutional Crisis. He will shred all norms of good, honest behavior. He will push past the limits of decency. Why? Because he is a Dick. A total Dick.

Figure the Dick revels in pissing people off. He will continue to piss people off. It's his only way to get attention, and he craves, demands attention, even if it's actually just total and complete condemnation from all corners.

Expect the Dick to be a total Dick. At all times. Where does this lead?! Who knows? The Dick has no boundaries, no limits. Being a Dick is not a very good governing philosophy. It's not a movement. It is a dead-end. 

The Dick will dare anyone to take him on. He will dare good people to take action. How long will folks put up with the Dick?The Dick will go down in flames, kicking and screaming. Being a total Dick is all he has, and he will go down in flames in full Dick-hood glory...