Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wonderful Writing & Reporting from Vanity Fair!

Eyes on the story of our time. This Vanity Fair article is just fabulous. Fabulous. Wonderful writing & reporting. It gives me hope. There are people out there, clear-seeing, intelligent, perceptive. Not fooled. Not running down rabbit holes of disinformation.

So many great quotes and lines, Sarah Ellison is a writer/reporter of great distinction. Here are some highlights...

"A combination of self-assurance and utter ignorance is a defining trait of this White House, along with cocky vulgarity and casual cruelty."

"As a former West Wing staffer from a previous administration told me, speaking about Jared and Ivanka, “There’s nothing more obstructive and distracting and unhelpful than to have a bunch of stupid apolitical family members calling all the shots.”"

“I haven’t had anything to do with them since they moved,” said one New York friend, “and it is because the day that man gave an inaugural speech, what am I going to say? ‘What the fuck is wrong with you?’ ”

“What is off-putting about them is they do not grasp their essential irrelevance,” this veteran told me. “They think they are special.”

"Jared Kushner once described himself as “first among equals” in the West Wing, and one wonders as time goes on if he might be inclined to drop the latter part of that description. “Trump is emotionally dependent on his son-in-law and his daughter . . . but they can’t do anything for him,” said the Washington veteran. “All they can do is make him feel better about what his life has come to.”"

Commentary from Me: No. They aren't special. And they work for a Dick. They will bail, sooner or later. And turn on each other. A drama full of sound and fury. Let it come down!