Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Creators!

Bumped into a fellow "creator" yesterday. And had an amazing, enlightening, inspiring 15 minute conversation that resonated all day long. 

Anyone can be a creator. But the folks who actually spend their lives creating really are a special tribe. Really they are. Now this tribe has no special qualifications, as they say, "don't need no ticket to get onboard."

But you do need a bit of optimism, and energy and "stick-to-it-iveness". You have to be a bit stubborn and focused,  determined, to decide to bring things into existence. You can be a creator with mud, yarn, or plants, or food, music, art, dance, etc.

Put a couple "creators" together and watch the sparks fly. Really. It's that lively and kinetic. It's something really cool and special. There's also an element of hot air, talking about the ability to defy gravity, and the odds, and the naysayers. But when it comes down to it, it's about doing the work. It's just a human thing. Human beings being humans. Fully.