Monday, September 28, 2015

Bootstrap Our Own Meaning/Light!

I studied Psychology in College. Kind of just fell into it. I was studying literature, and realized if I was gonna write anything of substance, I really needed to study people.

And I discovered some real interesting stuff. Especially Jung & Freud. But Psychology/Psychiatry is kind of a discredited thing now. Who needs "talk therapy," when you can get brain scans and drugs?

All that brilliant and provocative insight from those two totally engaging minds kind of gets flooded over and out by the drugs. 

But you know, maybe instead of being "drugged up," we need stories, symbols, we need to talk to it all out to try to make sense, and to give meaning to our lives. Even if that meaning is fleeting, elusive, illusory. Whatever.

And this Psychiatrist reminds us we need uncertainty too. I always thought that the best of psychology/psychiatry was not so much a scientific endeavor, but an artistic endeavor. We are creatures of art and science. We need both. 

Life and our place in the great stream of life is poetry, art. It seems we do need to bootstrap our own meaning and light. As Stanley Kubrick put it: "However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light."