Thursday, June 18, 2015

Root for the Pope Team - Eco-Justice!

Everyone is trying to get jump on the Pope. His big encyclical is due today, but there have been leaks and speculations. Usually when I think "Pope," I think "Irrelevant!" And don't bring up that "infallible" idea - Pope - just another human being in a fancy cloak. He comes with all the flaws and foibles as the rest of us.

Usually "Pope," means old white guy in robes, endlessly flogging the old church rant. It's all musty books, and pain, and guilt, and no sex, and no condoms, and no women priests, and just all that Old World claptrap for the masses. Retro!

Like I said, supremely "Irrelevant." But this Pope Francis dude seems a bit different. Dare I say, "progressive?" He almost seems tolerant, and a bit "open-minded." The crazy right wingers are denouncing him as a "Marxist," or "Socialist," which leads me to believe he must be doing something right.

Pope Francis actually seems concerned for the poor, and the planet. And he seems to think that unbound Capitalism isn't such a great thing. And that "trickle down economics" is a freaking, pernicious, toxic hoax.

My favorite new word construction? Eco-Justice- "ecological responsibility and social justice!" 

All I can say, it's a good start, I want to root for the Pope Team so, well, "Go Pope Go!" Eco-Justice indeed!