Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The War on Drugs - Comfortably Dumb!

No doubt the "war on drugs" has been a scourge, a blot on civilized society. Of course prohibition doesn't work. Of course you can't wipe "illegal" drugs off the planet. What a silly, counterproductive and tragic idea. Criminalizing drugs just creates a more violent, more deeply embedded problem. You have your addicts, and you have your wealthy "Narcos." And there is a thriving market that corrupts politicians, bankers, cops, etc. So much dirty money to spread around. And what a hypocritical society we are - on the one hand we tout all those "miracle drugs" and encourage the population to "drug up!" And then criminalize another class of drugs. Which just drives up prices, increases the violence, feeds the beast. How dumb! Completely, comfortably dumb!