Friday, June 19, 2015

Jerry Seinfeld - Drop in Ocean, Goofy Guru and TM Master!

Last night I heard Judd Apatow talking about his book "Sick in the Head." I must admit I have never seen a Judd Apatow film. So there's that.

The most striking thing I heard in the interview, and maybe not surprising - Jerry Seinfeld is a big-time worrier, but he is also the happiest, most well-adjusted comic Apatow knows and has interviewed. Seinfeld is a long time meditator, (Transcendental Meditation), and he is very comfortable with being "just a drop in the ocean."

And that just makes so much sense. I mean, now, after all these years, I think I understand Seinfeld. I get where his comic sensibility is coming from, and I get why he has been so successful for so many years, and I get why he has such an ease and is always seemingly so humble and nonchalantly happy. 

And it makes me happy too! Jerry Seinfeld - drop in ocean, Goofy Guru and TM master!