whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Thursday, February 06, 2014

The Bigs and the Littles

I was gonna write how "the bigs always eat the littles." Just look around in nature, in polite society. "The bigs," whether they are hungry or not will eat "the littles," just because they can.  Ethics don't enter into it, conscience doesn't enter into it, "doing the right thing," doesn't enter into it.

But then I thought about how "the littles" also eat "the bigs." That happens too. "The littles" can swarm, they can infiltrate, they can destroy a bigger foe.  I guess it really is an "all against all" kind of game.

Everything lives off of everything else.  You can think "it's ugly," or whatever, but it's just the way of the universe. To a certain extent we can build a polite society based on ethics, conscience and doing the right thing, but underlying the whole grand edifice is the war of the next meal.

And sometimes "the bigs" or "the littles" just want to flex their muscles and stir up the shit.  "That's entertainment, baby!"

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