Thursday, May 23, 2013


"Yeah, when I say 'I need a vacation,' I mean, a vacation from myself.  I mean, I'm not talking about a permanent vacation. Just a little break from myself -  a break from the seething mass of emotions, the whirlpool of thoughts, the never-ending internal monologue that just goes on and on, that just loops around and around.  I mean, even when I'm sleeping there is this wild kaleidoscope of images that flood through my brain. So sleep doesn't do the trick.

I'd like a vacation. Wake up as a little Korean woman. Or a Zulu accountant, or an old Mexican barber, a serious Serbian teenager, or whatever, you know? Someone else. Someone different. Wake up in another skin. With other thoughts, other emotions. Just for awhile.  Try it on for size. Maybe it'd be like going on a cruise, or something... a cruise in another being for awhile..."