Friday, May 24, 2013

New Music We Love!

I write about our band and music at r&r diary at This is a "cross-post" from yesterday, I thought it was worth posting here too. New music we love, from some really cool bands!

album covers

We love music, and are always on the hunt for new sounds. These four records have been on "heavy rotation" in our house the last few weeks.  They don't really have much in common, except they are phenomenally good. Made by artists with clear, inspiring musical visions.  Highly recommended! 

1. Montana Fix from the Gunnelpumpers - instrumental music of the highest order. Open-your-head music. An amazing, expansive mix of influences - classical, jazz, world music. The record is intense, moody, introspective, groovy, transcendent, atmospheric, mind-expanding. A great collection of grooves that roam across the sonic horizon. The collective vibe of this group is stunning. Inspired! 

2. Invisible Way from Low - A quiet masterpiece. Hushed. Two beautiful voices. Crystalline songs.  Hard. Diamond-like. A very unconventional drummer, and a unique sound. This record sneaks up on you. Can't shake it. 

3. Amok from Atoms for Peace - Thom Yorke's other band.  Groovier and looser than Radiohead. If you think that's a good thing, also add in Flea on bass guitar. Total funky underlay! Thom Yorke actually sounds like he's having fun, even if it's sometimes hard to tell. Didn't think Yorke really needed another really cool band. Didn't think it was necessary. Guess what? This is a great record! Didn't think it would fly? It flies! 

4. Go-Go Boots from the Drive By Truckers - One of their best. Great band. Three distinctive singers. A powerhouse r&r sound with a loose, damn the torpedos feel. The songs are stories, and there's some kind of loopy, gothic southern narrative thread.  Recorded on analog tape. You can hear and feel it. Warm, organic, kick-ass. This is soul music. Feeds the soul. Their cover of Eddie Hinton's song "Everybody Needs Love," is just the best.  Can't get over it. Love.