Wednesday, May 22, 2013

You Are Badly Out of Tune My Baby!

We will be hosting a Rolling Stones tribute show in early June. We have been going thru Stones songs, and it's a real pleasure.  Working out guitar parts, transposing keys to make it easier for the singer.

I love doing these types of shows, it's a way of really studying a band or artist, and exploring how they created songs, and find out what makes a song tick.  My thing is we always want to interpret and make the song our own, and at the same time convey the essence of the thing.

Anyway our good friend Mr. Mo. is playing ukulele and he will be doing a couple songs.  He picked one that I didn't know, a poppy tune called "The Singer Not the Song." It is a nicely constructed pop song. But Mr. Mo pointed out to me that what's really remarkable about the recording of the song is how out of tune the guitars are.  I mean, badly, badly out of tune.

You wonder how this could have been released.  Did no one hear it? Did no one have the guts to tell Keith and Brian that their guitars were badly out of tune? Really?! Did they think it actually sounded good? Really? Kind of amazing...