Sunday, October 02, 2011

Economic Justice?

The American MSM was slow to pick up this story.  It's already been 14 or so days long.  Protests in New York: Occupy Wall Street!

Could Americans be emulating the pro-active Egyptians who brought a dictator down?  Who knows?!  These American  protests don't have one single-minded agenda, like bringing down a dictator.  We have a much more confounding problem.  A class of Banksters and Wall Street hustlers who have swindled America. 

And we have been such idiots, when it became clear that these guys robbed us, and crashed the financial system, we ended up bailing them out.  The politicians rallied to save the crony capitalists.  And now those same greedy schlubs want to go back to their thieving ways without any consequences.

Privatizing the profits, socializing the losses.  Something is wrong with this picture folks!

And the rest of the America crashes and burns.  Maybe this protest is an ember that can flame across the land; a true populist movement for economic justice... we shall see!