Saturday, October 01, 2011

Trees Are Our Friends

I reside in a little hamlet that rides the shores of the Great Lake Michigan.  There are signs on the beach telling visitors that the lake is a "dangerous body of water."  This is true in many respects.  On a windy day, it can be a roiling beast of a body; there are undertows, and brutal waves that can knock you down and carry you away.

Also the lake is polluted with toxic shit.  For years companies have been dumping chemicals and waste into the water. Some of this dumping is done illegally, but also some of it is dumped with the blessing of the law.  Of course, Lake Michigan is also the main source of drinking water for the City of Chicago.  The stupidity and willful ignorance of human beings is often quite stunning.

The other main feature of our lovely little hamlet on the lake are the trees.  We are blessed with an amazing population of old growth trees.  I suppose if there weren't houses, and buildings and roads, most of this area would be forest land.  The remnants of the forest can be found dotted along every street.

And of course, these trees are our friends.   They and all the other forest lands out in the world are absorbing all that carbon dioxide human beings are spewing into the atmosphere.  Without them we are toast.  And of course, we are now toasting and destroying these forests.

When people lament the fate of polar bears, the penguins, and the other animals and plants that are being decimated by our destructive habits, I think it should be pointed out that all life is connected.  If species of plants and animals are dying off, it tells us that we too are in danger.  We are killing life and killing ourselves.

Like I said, the willful ignorance and blind stupidity of the human race is often stunning.  Sometimes we can be so clever and creative.  I wonder if we will wake up?  I wonder if we will wake up in time?  Once we kill off our friends, we will be toast too!