Monday, October 03, 2011

He was just a prophet that's all...

Faced with complex problems I think we all like to find simple solutions.  But some of these complex problems seem to actually require quite complex solutions.

So we are faced with complexity on both sides of the equation.  And our powers of cooperation are put to the test.  When we are in small, like-minded groups (for instance tribes), we are quite good at cooperating and working together.

When we are in big, sprawling groups, like nations, or multi-nations we are quite bad at cooperating and working together.

We see the result of this poor cooperation on all fronts.  In the past we relied on competition to sort it all out for us.  But with all this inter-connected complexity, competition can actually be our enemy.

The Free Market Religion, the guiding myth of America, is dislocated from any reality, and is actually part of the problem, not the solution.  

This dysfunctional late-stage capitalism (the snake eating it's own tail phase) that we are going through now, pretty much validates and vindicates Karl Marx's critiques of capital.  He truly was the prophet outside the temple of money-changers...

"All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned..." - K. Marx