Monday, October 18, 2010

It Takes a Village to Raise a Billionaire!

Yes, so the Greens, I mean, I don't want to be down on them...

We need the Green Party. Their agenda is my agenda. I just think that in good old U.S.A. that the Greens probably should fold themselves into the Democratic Party. Change that sucker from the inside.

If I had the gumption I'd run for something as a GREEN DEMOCRAT! There is a need for a truly progressive force not afraid to champion the little guy: alternative energy, a progressive tax code, MORE social services, single-payer health care, more money for schools.

SOAK THE RICH! That would be my campaign slogan. Maybe wear a shower cap and wield a big back scrubber. The Rich have been getting a FREE RIDE! They wouldn't be rich if it wasn't for a middle class that can read and write and shop. They wouldn't be rich if we didn't have a government: if we didn't have cops and firemen and a freaking military protecting their interests.

The Rich should be grateful they live in such a great country. They owe it to all of us to give back at least and maybe more than their fair share! It takes a village to raise a Billionaire!