Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Killer Gay Marines!

Since I'm on a political kick...

So yes, as a Green Democrat I'd dismantle our military behemoth. No more wars of choice. No more preemptive wars. Major cuts in the Pentagon's budget. The 2010 budget is $663.8. I'd slash that sucker by at least 10%. Maybe every year for a number of years until it was a much leaner and meaner force. And of course we'd still have the largest military in the world, the largest military ever known to man, a military almost 20 times larger than any other force in the world.

It's a tremendous drain on our country. It explains how we have bankrupted ourselves. It doesn't make us stronger, it weakens us. Instead I'd increase Foreign Aid. More money for the Peace Corps!

And another thing... this "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" thing is total madness. I'd kill it. And well, since some folks are so afraid of Gay People, I'd establish an elite force of Gays for all the Services: Air Force, Navy, Army, Marines. Quentin Tarantino should make a movie about the Killer Gay Marines! Holy Shit! They are hitting the beaches in full force, and they're singing Broadway show tunes to boot!