Sunday, October 17, 2010

Green Party Quixote

The Telepaths played a short set at the Green Party's party in our neighborhood. We had a new drummer sit in for the show and we have never been better. Plus FREE PIZZA for all! Can't beat that. We rocked out and listened to some speeches. It was all quite good.

I'm mean, I'm totally in line with what the Green Party stands for: more money for schools and social services, a fairer, more progressive tax code, alternative energy.

And yes it's totally scandalous and debilitating to our society that the wealthy are the ones getting a free ride! SOAK THE RICH! Viva la revolution!

Still it was kind of sad. One certainly got the impression that the Greens in this neck of the woods are a distinctly minority party. Kind of like an idealistic hobby. Sort of like collecting stamps. These are the folks out on the beach with their metal detectors looking for trinkets.

Almost can't really bring myself to root for them. It's kind of like rooting for Don Quixote to really beat the shit out of a windmill.