Sunday, August 22, 2010

Abbie Fest 2010 - Day Two

We spent lots of time at the little black box theater yesterday. Saw some really great performances from the Mary Archie players, Famous in the Future and the Plagiarists. I mean, stunningly good shows. The vibe of the weekend has been totally electric. It's hard to convey how impressive it has all been. You really had to be there.

We got our chance to take the stage and we felt good about how it went. Our friend Mr. Mo. dubbed our approach "rock and roll theater" and I think that fits. We played to a very responsive and attentive audience, pretty much a full house, which, considering our afternoon time slot, was quite impressive.

No matter how many people are there you must always give it your all. Still if the audience is with you it can propel you into another stratosphere. We were propelled into the higher reaches and it was totally exhilarating.

We will be back there later today ready to give back the love we felt after our show. The Abbie Fest is one of those completely unique worlds where love and creativity and laughter and drama fill you up! And it's good!