Saturday, August 21, 2010

Abbie Fest 2010: Day One

We played the part of audience last night for the opening of the Abbie Hoffman Died For Your Sins Fest. It was a packed house and a rollicking good time.

We were inspired and humbled by all the great acting, and all the good vibes of the evening. The small space was absolutely electric.

It's so great to see actors of all ages getting up and giving it their all. Every year there is a profound energy of cooperation and mutual respect for the "good work."

There is something totally unique about live theater in a tiny space; about watching someone get up from the audience, getting on stage and just nailing it. No bullshit. Just bringing it. So vital, so refreshing, so inspiring.

The schedule is chock full of great shows today. Plus we get our chance to get up there too. Should be a trip!