Monday, August 23, 2010

Abbie Fest 2010 - Day Three

Back to being audience for day three. We saw lots of good stuff. Our friend Jason sang about the adventures of Lobster Boy on his ukulele in the afternoon.

And then in the evening it was the awe-inspiring "Jimmy Gamble" (which I blogged about last year) and Citizen's Relief superb take of Harold Pinter's "Ashes to Ashes."

In between there was lots of laughter and sound and fury. It was sort of overwhelming. Kind of like letting big waves just rush over you again and again.

A day later, and we were still basking in the glow of a very successful performance on Saturday. Lots of folks came up to us to say they enjoyed our show. It was all very satisfying.

What a great event. Rich Cotovsky and the Mary Archies are just so supportive and generous and vital to the Chicago theater scene.

I'm still buzzing this morning. Now I'm expecting the post-Abbie emptiness to descend. It's kind of inevitable and probably necessary...