This is the full band captured by our little digital recorder. I love that you can hear the crowd partying, playing pool, chatting. The band was in fine form. One of our most satisfying shows...
Check out the song here:
dj. shak·i·er, shak·i·est 1. Trembling or quivering; tremulous: a shaky voice. 2. Lacking soundness or sturdiness, as of construction: a shaky table. 3. a. Not to be depended on; precarious: a shaky alliance. b. Wavering in firmness: a shaky belief. c. Open to question or doubt: shaky evidence. shak shak |
And then you realize you are in a speeding car with a whole bunch of crazy people - people shouting and arguing about really stupid things. And the brakes don't work, and the accelerator is stuck, and the steering wheel is actually just a prop.
And you're in the back seat, you 're strapped into your seat, you're chewing gum furiously, you look out the window and the landscape is just one long blur, one long smear - there's what look like the shapes of trees and buildings and burned out malls and lots of rust and dead stuff.
You can't see what's behind you. It's just a blur. And it's all just gone, gone, gone.
You can see something ahead, it looks like a brick wall, no maybe that's just a hallucination, it might be a cliff, there's lots of blue sky and it looks like the road ends.
And there's some ominous looking clouds - it may actually be a funnel, "oh shit" heavy weather. And the funnel is massive and it's heading your way, and there's all kind of debris, jet trash, broken TVs, cables and strings and garbage, lots of freaking garbage.
Spinning like some Horror-Show Carousel. There's some kind of creepy circus music coming from the funnel. You realize this is your world. And you are in it.