Thursday, February 21, 2008

Oh Yeah!

We stood out in the stark naked freezing cold last night staring up at the moon with a small crowd of people. It was a full moon and a lunar eclipse which doesn't happen very often. See more about how it all works here: Lunar Eclipse for Dummies!

It was all so surreal. Looking up into the vast black night sky, dotted with stars and planets, makes you feel sort of monkey-like. Objects spinning in space, vast distances, large bodies, and there we are shivering, stamping our feet, looking up into that vast immensity. It's all so incomprehensible, even though everyone looks up and has no problem explaining it all for you.

"The earth's shadow is passing over the moon."

OK. Yeah, that explains it. Then there's all those other questions swirling around in your little noggin. Left unsaid.