Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Career Attention Deficit Disorder

I've had many jobs in my life. My career trajectory has been more like a strange zig-zag-like pattern. It turns out my favorite jobs were two of the worst paying, but in some way they were totally liberating: bike messenger (try doing that for a year in Chicago - hot and humid summers, frigid winters), and guitar tuner (this was a dream job for an aspiring musician - tune guitars all day long, listen to Steve Dahl's "Breakfast Club" on the radio). I've also been a movie extra, you can see glimpses of me in Oliver Stone's "Natural Born Killers," (I'm a prison guard, a dead prison guard and a dead prisoner too - nice big shotgun wound in my chest - don't worry, all that blood is actually karo syrup!). I've also been an election judge, worked in factories, warehouses, and I've been an account rep for a bunch of technology firms - think upscale Willie Loman - shoeshine, smile, cell phone, laptop - and a lot of talk!

Anyway, I'm up early, doing the account rep, accomplished bizman thing today, big meeting out in the suburbs. I rented a car, spiffed up my suit, it's time to play aspiring man about town. Of course, all the stuff I like to do most I haven't figured out how to turn into a job: (maybe that's a good thing?) theater mogul, actor, writer, director, musician. Could it be I just have career attention deficit disorder (ADD)?

So, how about these guys? Some might think they are way too old to be still jumping around on stage, and how about the movie director behind the camera? A case could be made that both of these creative titans (band and director) did all their best work decades ago, but you know what, the work they did stands the test of time, (at least my time! Think "Sticky Fingers," "Raging Bull," "Exile on Main Street," "Taxi-Driver," "Let it Bleed," "Good Fellas," "Beggars Banquet," "Mean Streets" "Aftermath" "Casino"), and I'm glad they are all still doing what they do. The Stones look like they've been to hell and back a couple of times (that's what being on the road for 4 decades or more can do to you), but there ain't no sin against growing old - relax it's natural! At least these guys are willing to just let it all hang out. And you have to give them credit for pure consistency. These guys have all had the same job for decades. More power to them! I'm looking forward to the flick (can't afford going to an actual concert!). Rock on boys!