Friday, February 22, 2008

"Everybody's in show biz, everybody's a star..." - R. Davies

I love this one.

According to the latest New Yorker, Ray Davies former front man of the Kinks, is in NY kicking off a new album and tour. Here's Ray telling a little story to the New Yorker writer Nick Paumgarten: "The Kinks did a gig here in the early seventies and somebody spiked my drink before I went on and I lasted about three songs before I passed out. We got through the show somehow. And afterwards I walked around the city all night, crying, because I'd let everybody down. My manager took me to Elaine's to cheer me up, but I was inconsolable. And I ended up at Howard Johnson's in Times Square. I was sitting there, it was like eight in the morning, and a guy next to me said, 'You've been up all night - who do you think you are?' It was this big black guy sitting next to me, and I said, 'Who are you?' And he said, 'My name is Joe Frazier and I'm the heavyweight champion of the world.'"

Here's Davies singing one of his best, "Waterloo Sunset...