Monday, February 25, 2008

The Puppet Bike

Hey I have to say a few words about the Puppet Bike Extravaganza. The puppet bike is the brain-child of the extraordinary Jason, a master of many trades. The puppet bike has been showing up around town entertaining the public for 5 years. It's cool, kitschy, especially if you know the artistic souls who bring it all together. So there was a 5 day celebration (wow two days longer than Woodstock!), and we performed on Friday night.

WWSP did a raw and ragged set (the lovely Carla was battling a cold), but with a full house, it turned out to be one of our best outings, our enthusiastic and limber bass player, Sara ,did a deep knee bend during "Dead Pecker Bench." It was exquisite.

Then Black Forest did a little preview of "The Flaming Eyeball." It's a total whack piece. Three galactic space cadets traveling on the outer fringes of the universe. It's kind of like Beckett on acid. Or something like that. The audience was suitably baffled.

Finally, late in the night, when the audience was down to the most wasted hardcore, the Telepaths ripped off a quick set. The Boyz in the Band all wanted to go home, I was chomping at the bit to play. My motto, "any time, any place." We did a loud, combustible set, the disco ball was twirling, when the Jason turned the lights down during "I'm So Tired" I lost my place on the fret board and played all the wrong notes!

It's amazing to watch a night go completely off the rails. I experienced it all stone cold sober. By the wee hours, the drug energy - the booze, the cannabis, the whatever, kind of took over the room. I watched it all spin out of control. It was wacky, dangerous, cool too. So that's it. A good time was had by all!

Here's the Puppet Bike by the light of day: