whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Slim Taking the Last Ride - Til We Meet Again!

I do love YouTube.

I was clicking around the web this morning and I came across this video of Jimi Hendrix playing "Voodoo Chile" on TV in Stockholm, Sweden...unbelievable...amazing!

Then I revisited this one:

These guys are the real Spinal Tap, I mean there's something totally ridiculous about these guys, and at the same time, what great rock and roll theater! When the drums kick in, and Slash cranks it up, I don't know, I can't help it, this weird adrenaline rush comes over me (I wonder if, when finally, our civilization crashes and burns, and the aliens come down and find this clip, will they understand us?)!

GN&R are doing one of my all time favorite Dylan songs, "Knockin on Heaven's Door." A song featured in one of Sam Peckinpah's great, rambling, shambling movies, "Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid," featuring Kris Kristofferson, James Coburn, Bobby D. himself. I love that movie...and of course, don't forget Slim Pickens (he also took that last great ride in Dr. Strangelove!) ...he's the one sitting down by the pond with a bullet in his gut, taking his final gander at the sunset before he shakes off his mortal coil, while that Dylan song plays away and well, no doubt it'll bring a tear to the eye of even the hardest-hearted mofo!

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