whitewolfsonicprincess' new single Revelation Blues

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The People Vs. Larry Flynt - A Woody's Finest Moment!

I suppose one way to assess a man or woman is to take a close look at their enemies. Larry Flynt is a dude who's made a fortune publishing pictures of naked women. Maybe not the most noble enterprise, but if you look around at the great American Hustle (okay, maybe that's a little too limiting, think Great Global Hustle) there seem to be even more nefarious and disreputable ways to make a living: Insurance, Financial Services, Politics, Oil, Pharmaceutecals, etc. At least Flynt sells an honest product. It doesn't pretend. There is no hypocrisy. When you plunk down your money for a copy of Hustler, you know what you're getting, and well you get it. What you do with it in the privacy of your own bathroom is well...I mean, whether those glossy pages later get stuck together or whatever, I mean, damn that's your problem!

On the other hand, I understand some people's concern that Flynt's enterprise may demean or degrade women who are being exploited for someone else's cheap thrill. I do think our society would benefit from more women executives, more women astronauts, more women scientists, more women everything. But, as Zero Mostel once said in a scene in the original "Producers," - "if you got it, flaunt it!" So, if you've got an "oompy chasis," and you can get paid showing it off, well, who am I to knock it?

Which leads me back to the subject of enemies. Flynt seems to relish bringing "holier than thou," hypocrites down a peg or two. I mean, I realize Flynt is looking for enemies, and well they are legion. Flynt's famous for his long-running feud with the now deceased Jerry Falwell, and it looks like he's gotten the phone records of the DC Madam and already a Louisiana Senator has found himself in some "hot water." Go get em Larry. Seems this Vitter dude also railed about "family values," and ranted against gay rights, and shit is anyone surprised this guy was a regular at a New Orleans whorehouse?

Maybe we need a guy like Larry Flynt? Maybe he's some kind of hero? Milos Forman kind of made that case a number of years ago. I loved the movie!

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