Tuesday, May 10, 2005

"Slip Sliding Away" - Paul Simon

Today up early, a road trip to Milwaukee scheduled. Physcially a little creaky, but brimming with, well, if not enthusiasm, I'd say at least, anticipation. Just waiting for the next thing. These last few weeks have been a flurry of plots and plans, but must be careful not to let the days slide by looking forward to future events. It's important to "be here, now." We can fill ourselves with the future, and the past, but then there's no room for being "in the now." The wise men have told us, it's really only now, this moment, where and when our lives of possibility resides. If we are to "make no small plans," at the same time we must not miss the simple step by step, the tick-tock, of each tiny moment of a life.