Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Perfection is an Illusion

Yesterday was easy, perfect. The road trip to Milwaukee was fine. Everything is po-ten-tial! Later in the afternoon, I found myself driving down Clark Street, with the sunroof open, Bob Dylan and the Rolling Thunder Revue blasting out "The Water is Wide," "Sara," and an exquisite version of "Knocking on Heaven's Door." The "positive energy," was coursing through me, it's amazing how sometimes everything just clicks, the world seems beautiful, complete, and you no longer feel like a "stranger in a strange land," instead you realize this wacky, wonderful world really is home! I capped off the evening with a rousing jam session at Peter Jones with the Telepaths (minus one). It's been awhile since we played, and it felt like we took things into the stratosphere. I don't know if we're as good as we sounded, but it sure felt right. I got home late, still jazzed up. Up early, feeling great, still riding the Telepath Vibe!