Monday, May 09, 2005

The Skeptic

As my life proceeds, I'm becoming more and more skeptical (adopting a doubting or questioning state of mind). This attitude (or philosophy) opens the door to an endless hall of mirrors, reflections on reflections of reflections, leading me to fundamental questions such as: "Is there really any such thing as absolute truth?" This can make any conversation a difficult process. If you start from this vantage point (remember who we are, where we come from) any definitive statement seems false, shallow, more reflective of the person making assertions, than the world they are trying to describe.

Simple declarations, or sweeping statements begin to look completely absurd. So then, in order to not join in the absurdity, the skeptic feels compelled to try to hedge bets, to offer partial definitions, to urge caution. This may come across as argumentative, (which in a way it is), which is not necessarily the prime motive. Still throwing doubt into someone's space is not necessarily a productive exercise!

So, everyone has a point, an opinion and the mirrors just keep multiplying! It seems to me, that the only sure way forward is to remember questions like: who am I, where am I going, what's "good," how does this help me on my path, what if I'm wrong, is this really my vision, am I seeing the world with clarity? It seems to me that all you have are questions, to guide you through the maze.