Sunday, May 08, 2005

Dead Man's Boots

The last few days I've been dealing with my own private "energy deficit." It seems like everything has been going out, nothing coming in, like I'm giving it all up, getting nothing back. So, nourishment hasn't been nourishing, rest hasn't been restful.

I decided to do "everything different." Take a couple of days off from running (where am I running to? who am I running from?), try new foods (drop the chocolate, add Luo Han Kuo tea - "used since at least the early Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD) to enhance immunity, promote respiratory health and support vitality and longevity."), sleep in a little later, (let the sun rise first!), walk backwards, sit in silence, wear a different hat, return to the Dead Man's boots (I wore them in "Another Korea Revisited"), etc.

Finally, this morning, I seem to be coming around (I found a new coffee brew - Organic Wild Blend -- it is heart-warming, delicious!). I'm going to take it slow, kind of bounce on the periphery of the day, like a little rubber ball ("will it float?") riding the stream. I've been listening to a new band, The Mars Volta (they are really weird, strange, progessive - echoes of Pink Floyd, Grateful Dead, Yes, Led Zeppelin, Sonny Rollins, a weird hybrid of Latino/Heavy Metal/Jazz Fusion). Not my usual cup of tea, but really, I haven't been my usual self really, so why not be different?!