Friday, August 02, 2024

To Change or Not To Change...

Embracing change or clinging to an old picture?

If we are going make distinctions between Humans, maybe that's as good of a divider as any? I mean, I'm not trying to divide people, but looking to try to understand them. Understand myself too.

Are you willing to change? To morph, evolve when reality smacks you in the kisser? Or do you cling to old, out-dated ideas, feelings, emotions?

Are you willing to admit you were wrong? To change course? To re-think? To take the hit and then try to heal and grow? 

I am definitely changeable. Maybe to a fault.

The narrative of my life is a long winding road. There are elements that are essentially the same, I am basically a happy camper, with a sunny disposition. Even when things go bad, my dreams implode, decisions turn out to be dogs-breath, I still usually try to find the silver lining.

It doesn't always work. There are dead-ends, some events with no discernable upside. At those times all you can do is acknowledge the reality, take it in, try to process, and then, well, carry on.

Of course, the Universe is such a big, complicated, crazy, wonderfully wild and wooly place, there are always new avenues, new ideas, new things to try, and to do. Looking at the others, those who just cling to the past, to bad ideas, to ignorance, and double-down on their misfires, well, you almost feel sorry for those folks.

Not always. Sometimes those folks are truly the bad actors amongst the herd. And you think, "they will get what they deserve." I know, sort of sounds ominous. But maybe I mean: "Karma, Baby!"