Saturday, August 03, 2024

The Life of Vibes...

My co-conspirator and I are "vibes" people. Vibes = "a distinctive feeling or quality capable of being sensed." For the longest time we didn't know it.

Now, after all these years of being experienced Human Beings, we do. We now talk about how ever since we were little kids we were always feeling, reading, seeing vibes. It really has been a Sixth Sense in our lives. It could be why were attracted to each other. Oh, this one knows what I know...

It is a double-edged sword. Often experiencing vibes has been majorly confusing. Pushed us in ways we didn't understand. Lots of crazy flailing and flopping around. That's life. We often didn't know what was going on, didn't know how to handle this ability.

We are long-time meditators, and that practice seemed to hone our vibe-seeing, and vibe-sensing abilities. It made it all much more real. We got better at knowing what was going down, we could identify when the vibes were good or bad, and could almost see them, like vaporized clouds. Often now vibes have certain colors associated with them.

Some folks are black-holes of vibes. They just exude a blackness and they swallow up all the energy in a room. We can spot them a mile away. Some folks are positive-generating vibe-machines, walking, talking rainbows.

You see vibes flashing, like little embers, in people's eyes.

Check out Pete Townshend's great "Tommy" for a soundtrack about feeling, seeing, touching vibes. It all has spiritual component. Vibes connect you to everything in the Universe. It's powerful shite.

Of course, vibes are invisible, and, well, often other folks think they don't actually exist. We can't prove they do. We just experience them. Funny, all the most important things in our lives are invisible and unprovable, for instance: Love & Hope.

Vibes. Right. Life really is about vibes. We feel them and generate them. That's part of being a Human Being.