Thursday, July 11, 2024

Swimming Against...

Sure. As per Wm Shakespeare, in that rightly-famous Macbeth monologue: "... It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

Yes, indeed. There is so much angst, worry, doubt, uncertainty in the air. So much hand-wringing, fretting, and nervous chattering.

Seems we are all such little cry-babies. Something about our over-saturated, over-stuffed, consumer-pandering-paradise that turns us all into needy, greedy, little infants. This mad-bad, celebrity-culture is just so silly and stupid.

It seems like we are collectively losing the thread of the narrative. Whatever happened to gumption, discipline, clear-seeing, determination & toughness? Those things now seem so "old world." Out of date. 

Yikes. Do we really need a Big Daddy to save us? What about rolling up our sleeves and doing the work? Remember work? Keeping our feet on the ground. Tuning out the B.S.

Keeping our heads above the roiling surf. Swimming against the enveloping tide of madness.